December 18, 2009

the seine meets paris (1957)


Allison M. said...


Lauren said...

This looks astonishingly gorgeous. I'm determined in the new year to learn about new things, and despite a lot of praise for A Valparaiso he is still a blank slate for me. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts on this guy and envy your long, informative writings. You do encourage me :)

Will give this guy a look. Seine most appeals to me, even if it sounds like it's not a representative film to begin with.

Ian said...

I am surprised this film does not have more of a following. It is a great introduction to Ivens and is certainly more representative of his style than his earliest work (like Rain).

P.S. If it encourages you any more, know that I find your writing encouraging myself. It is one of the biggest reasons I try to get you to blog some more, so that I can have encouragement! Love your writing.